Our Mission and History

Mission Statement

Southern Crescent Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, located south of Atlanta, delivers relevant technical education, adult education, 以及通过各种教学方式在副学士学位学习的机会, diploma, and certificate levels to promote service, workforce development, and economic development.

Vision Statement


Core Values


  • Academic Excellence
  • Student Success
  • Integrity

History of Southern Crescent Technical College

南新月技术学院成立于2010年7月,由弗林特河技术学院和格里芬技术学院合并而成. 该十大网赌平台推荐于南亚特兰大地区包括巴茨在内的八个县的公民的劳动力和社区需求, Fayette, Henry, Jasper, Lamar, Pike, Spalding, and Upson counties. 南新月技术学院的学生在托马斯顿的弗林特河校区服务, the Griffin Campus in Griffin or at one of the centers in Butts, Henry, or Jasper counties. In addition, 学院在服务区的8个县提供十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台服务.

In both equipment and in facilities, 南新月技术学院不断努力提供最新的, 实践培训,以帮助刺激经济增长和发展的社区. 随着学院不断扩建和更新设施,以帮助今天的学生为明天的劳动力做好准备,学术卓越的传统得以延续.

弗林特河技术学院和格里芬技术学院为他们所服务的社区和学生留下了丰富的遗产. 以下两所学院的历史背景信息突出了学院的重大影响,并说明了弗林特河技术学院和格里芬技术学院的教育和培训机会的重要性.

The history of Flint River Technical College began in April of 1961. At that time, 厄普森县和托马斯顿市之间的协议创建了厄普森县地区职业技术学校. Upson Tech was the seventh vocational-technical school established in Georgia. After two years of planning and organizing, 1963年9月,学校在托马斯顿北部的一座临时建筑里开始上课. The school offered four programs of study.

In September 1964, a new facility was completed on U.S. Highway 19 South that was considered the main campus. The new facility allowed for programs of instruction to increase to eleven. The school served an eight-county area. Additional facilities were added in 1975, 1978, 1991, 1996, and 2007.

1988年,乔治亚州立法机关成立了一个新的佐治亚技术和十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台部. 这一改变使当地学校成为统一的州体系的一部分,由州委员会管理. This change became effective for this institution in 1988. 这一变化也使该机构的名称成为厄普森技术学院. Since 1963, 增加了几个教学十大网赌平台推荐,以反映该机构服务领域不断变化的就业机会. 同样,由于缺乏学生的兴趣和/或雇主的需要,十大网赌平台推荐被删除.

In 1989, in addition to the main campus located in Upson County, 一项重大努力开始在该机构服务的厄普森以外的三个主要县建立外展中心. As a result of this effort, the institution developed full-time services in Crawford, Taylor, and Talbot counties. Associated with this expansion of services, the institution changed its name to Flint River Technical Institute. 选择这个名字是为了反映该机构所服务的毗邻弗林特河的地理区域.

On July 6, 2000, 弗林特河技术学院正式更名为弗林特河技术学院. 2004年,弗林特河技术学院基金会(Flint River Technical College Foundation)收购了前托马斯·米尔斯(Thomaston Mills)公司办公大楼. 这个位于托马斯顿市中心的地方是十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台的新地点, Economic Development programs, and the Child Care Resource and Referral Agency. The Community Development Center, as the new location was named, provided more space to deliver these programs, and it freed up locations on the main campus for new credit classes.

In 2006, the Georgia Legislature approved $7.500万美元的资金用于在主校区建立一个新的工业培训中心. Building D, consisting of 16,000 square feet, housed the Welding and Joining Technology, Air Conditioning Technology, Commercial Truck Driving, and Construction programs.

In 2007, 乔治亚州管理局和社区事务部为8号飞机拨款约100万美元,000 square foot expansion of the Taylor County Center. 该中心为泰勒县和周边地区的公民提供了扩大的教室和实验室培训十大网赌平台推荐. Also in 2007, a $300,从Quad Graphics的Windhover基金会获得了000美元的捐赠,用于扩建和翻新主校区的图书馆. The addition added approximately 1,400 square feet of floor space for library materials, as well as designated space for computer stations and office space.

弗林特河技术学院从1961年到2008年有五位领导人担任学院的校长. The leaders included the following: Mr. E.G. McCants, 1961-1972; Mr. Clarence R. Tunmer,1972-1975; Mr. Leon L. Barnes,1975-1987; Dr. Carlos R. Schmitt, 1988-2001; and Dr. Kathy S. Love, 2001-2008.

格里芬技术学院的历史始于1963年9月,当时第一批学生开始在临时宿舍上课. 从那时起,格里芬技术学院扩大了其设施和十大网赌平台推荐. Originally named the Griffin-Spalding County Area Vocational Technical School, 这所学校在乔治亚州教育部的监督下运作. The first 48,000 square foot building was completed in 1966, 学校的第一次扩建于1978年完成,增加了18名学生,748 square feet of classroom space.

In 1985, 成立了国家高等职业教育委员会,并鼓励现有学校加入这一网络. Griffin Tech于1987年7月加入该系统,并采用了Griffin Technical Institute的名称. Governor Joe Frank Harris elevated the Board to a Department in July 1988, changing the name to the Department of Technical and Adult Education.

In August of 1990, a 26,000 square foot office, classroom and lecture hall was added to the existing facility. The new Academic Building followed in the spring of 1995, which provided 15,297 square feet of additional classroom and office space. In September 1995, seven acres were acquired from the City of Griffin, and in February 1997, 另外获得了乔治亚州巡逻站空出的两英亩土地, providing an additional 7,223 square feet of classroom and office space.

In March of 2000, 州长罗伊·巴恩斯批准了一项法案,将乔治亚州的技术学院更名为学院. In July 2000, 格里芬技术学院正式成为格里芬技术学院,并开始为学生提供更多的教育选择. “技术学院”一词更准确地反映了这些机构向格鲁吉亚公民提供的服务的质量和水平.

Happy holidays!

十大网赌平台推荐 offices will reopen on 1/02 at 8:00 am.

For instructions on how to register for spring semester, visit this link: http://s3muk1t.dektinary.com/advisement/how-to-register-for-class/.

If you need assistance with self-registration, or if you are receiving registration errors, please email academicadvisor@dektinary.com.